Archive | September 22, 2014

The World’s Healthist Food!

Turmeric might be the most effective nutritional supplement we know of.


We all know Turmeric* for its rich yellow color and distinctive flavor.

It is what gives curry its yellow color.

It has been used for thousands of years in India as both a spice and a medicine.

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

He very well had Turmeric in mind when he said this.

Curcumin is the main active ingredient in Turmeric and is it’s main medicinal compound.

But in truth Turmeric only contains about 3% Curcumin.

Most of the recent studies into the health benefits of Curcumin are being done with the extract with doses exceeding 1 gram a day.

You can only imagine how much Turmeric we would have to consume to get this much Curcumin.

It has also been recently shown that Curcumin has a difficult time being absorbed into the bloodstream.

What has been showed to improve its absorption is to combine Turmeric with black pepper.

Black pepper contains piperine also called bioperine, which aids the absorption of Curcumin into the bloodstream by as much as 2000%.

You might find a product that has already combined Curcumin and black pepper or you can simply swallow a few peppercorns along with the capsule of Curcumin.

Because Curcumin is a fat-soluble compound it is best to take it with fatty foods such as avocadoes.

So What Is Curcumin Good For!

Curcumin is widely used as an anti-inflammatory and is found in many supplements that treat inflammations.

Curcumin increases our antioxidant capacities.

Curcumin boosts brain function and is being researched as to not only it’s ability to lower the risk of brain diseases but it’s ability to also heal and reverse damage that has been done.

Many brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s has been linked to a decrease in Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor or BDNF.

Curcumin has been shown to increase BDNF levels in the brain, which increases the growth of new neurons as well as fight off the degeneration that comes with age.

Curcumin has also been linked to better heart health.  Perhaps because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

In fact Curcumin has been shown to be as effective in heart health as exercise.

One of the biggest areas being researched is how Curcumin can both prevent and treat cancer.

It seems it is particularly effective on cancers of the digestive tract especially those in the colon.

Curcumin can reverse many age related dis-eases as well as the aging process itself.

Suffering from arthritis, then curcumin is the anti-inflammatory for you.

Studies are showing Curcumin to be as effective as many of its pharmaceutical counterparts but without the side effects.

Turmeric (curcumin) and Cauliflower (phenethyl isothiocyanates) are being used to halt and treat prostate cancer.

Studies are looking into Curcumin’s role in reducing childhood leukemia, as well as how it improves liver function.

For general health support just start adding turmeric and a bit of black pepper to your eggs in the morning as was suggested by Gardenia.

Add more curry dishes into your meal planning.

Turmeric has been used also as a dye but even more important is its role in ceremony and Hindu spiritualism.

Because of it’s bright yellow color it is associated with the Sun and was used as the dye for the robes for Hindu monks.

For anyone needing powerful medicinal support you do want to look into Curcumin extracts that also includes either
piperine or bioperine.

It is easy to see why Turmeric is being hailed as one of the World’s Healthiest Foods.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

*A couple of cautions are that Turmeric is a blood thinner, it can lower blood sugar levels, as well as increase stomach acid and bile production which can increase the absorption of certain medications.  Consult with your primary health care provider before adding Turmeric or Curcumin into your diet.

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