Archive | July 7, 2014

The Best Anti-Inflammation Foods

The Best Anti-Inflammation Foods!

We have all experienced inflammation at some point in our bodies.  Usually it is associated with an injury to soft tissue such as a sprain as it gets red and swollen.

This inflamation can occur anywhere in our bodies and to any tissues.

By adding anti-inflammatory foods into our daily diet we are helping the body reduce the inflammations and help the body return to a more balanced state.

We do not want to stay in an inflamed state for very long.  The natural Acute Inflammation response that is now a 24/7 Chronic Inflammation state is not healthy for the body to be in.

Symptoms such as fatigue, IBS, reflux, poor digestion, constipation, headaches/migraines, allergies, joint pain, and numerous other symptoms can be linked to Chronic Inflammation.

So what can we do to help our bodies?

One of the best anti-inflammatory foods is Avocados.  They are high in nutrients that help prevent inflammations especially arthritis.

The next wonderful food to add is Ginger.  Very high in ultra potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols.

Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and antioxidant properties.

Turmeric can actually help prevent swelling and pain.

Then we have Garlic!

Garlic is one of those essential foods in natural healing.  It is anti most anything that can hinder our well being from inflammations, to fungus, to parasites.

Adding fresh chopped garlic a few times a day to our meals can make a huge difference as to how we feel.

Beets and Asparagus are two more foods that can help reduce and prevent inflammations in our bodies.

If you are not already taking some form of Omega 3 every day you certainly want to be.

Adding Flax Seed Meal* to our diets is one of the best ways to get this crucially important nutrient into our systems.  Not only is it a natural anti-inflammatory but also will support brain health and many other essential body functions necessary for overall good health.

Adding the right foods in to support reducing inflammation is of course only half the equation.  The other half is what foods to avoid that actually increase inflammation responses in the body.

The most important foods to avoid are sugar, red meat, caffeine, dairy, processed foods and grains, hydrogenated oils, and most packaged and prepared foods.

Perhaps the most important non-food support will come from plenty of rest.  The body heals itself in an alkaline state (rest state).  Supporting the adrenals and our energy reserves is necessary for any consistent healing to occur.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

*It is important to use Flax Seed Meal or oil, as the whole seed cannot be digested by our bodies and tends to pass through with little to no benefit.

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