The Smell Of A Horse


The Vigor & Strength Of A Stallion…


This is what Ashwagandha means in Sanskrit.

I was planning on jumping right into more depth on diet but I wanted to offer something you can begin right today with little or no changes to any other part of your life and still be making a huge difference.

Ashwagandha is one of the most commonly used herbs in Ayurvedic healing.

It is renowned for its rejuvenating properties and its ability to restore health.

Here is some of how this herb can help.
Supports the immune system
Reduces the effects of stress on the system
Improves learning and memory
Reduces anxiety and depression
Stabilizes blood sugar
Supports Male & Female Reproduction
Rebuilds Energy Reserves
Helps the body to fall asleep naturally
What is interesting is that Ashwagandha neither stimulates nor sedates yet is a deep rejuvenator for the whole body.

In fact it is recommended to take Ashwagandha before bed to help with sleep disorders as well as during the day to support your energy levels.

This is an essential herb for anyone involved in a healing program.  Maintaining energy levels is vital for any healing to take place.

Research is also being done, as it appears Ashwangandha has cancer fighting properties also.

This herb is capturing the interest of the medical community and we will be seeing a lot more research on its uses.

But for now we can learn from the thousands of years that Ashwagandha has been being used in India and elsewhere for it remarkable support to our health.

For the power and vigor of the Stallion, try adding Ashwangandha to your program.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

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