Ginger Baths

Ahhh! Ginger Baths…

This time of the year the weather changes so quickly from extreme heat to extreme wet, windy, and cold.

And then back again!

I notice people all around getting sick.  One woman called me having had a cold for two weeks now.

And like so many of us money is really tight and though she would love a Lymph Session, she just could not afford one at this moment.

So I recommended a Ginger Bath.  For under $10, she and you can do this home remedy and it works.

I first discovered Ginger Baths in the 80’s when I was studying karate.

I would come home so sore and my body needed to be ready for work the next day as well class again.

Though Ginger Baths are certainly not new I tweaked the recipe and here is a very powerful healing tool.

What You will Need:
Fresh Ginger Root
Epsom, Sea Salt, or any quality Bath Salt
A Tub to Soak In*
An Hour or more of Quiet Time
Chop up the Ginger (about a 1/2 – 1lb. depending on the size of your tub) and simmer it in a pot of water for about a half hour or so.  Strain the liquid and save.

Put about 2″ of very warm water into the tub.  You want to be able to get in so be sure it is not too hot.

Add the Ginger Solution and a cup of the salts.

Now Get in!

You might be saying, “Get into a basically empty tub?”

That is right!

It is nearly impossible to get into a tub filled with hot water.  But you can add hot water to a tub you are already in.

So you are in the tub and lying with your back soaking.

As the water begins to cool keep adding more hot water.  Stop adding when it feels too hot.

And then add some more as it cools again.

Gradually fill the tub with hot water as is comfortable.

At first the solution of Ginger and Bath Salts will be more concentrated.  Focus on parts of your body that might need extra care such as lower back or neck and shoulders.

Once the tub is filled just enjoy your bath as long as you want.  You can bring in your exfoliating gloves that I mentioned in an earlier newsletter and give your body a good massage at the same time.

This bath is excellent for sore muscles, stiff joints, arthritis, and general aches and pains.

And because you are going to get a good sweat going it is excellent for colds and the flu.

You get all the benefits of a wet sauna right at home.

Be sure to give yourself time afterwards to rest.  This bath is not lightweight and you may want to lie down afterwards for a rest or meditation.

If you have a heart condition, get light headed easily, any open wounds or sores, be sure to use caution and check with your health care provider if ginger baths are appropriate for you.

Also do not use this bath if you have a yeast infection, as the heat is not recommended.

I am off to do my own soak right now!
Ahhhhhh, Ginger Baths!!!!!

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

Got Lymph?

*No bath tub!  Ask a friend who has one and treat them to a Ginger Bath as a trade to use their tub.  They will love you for it!

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