Everybody Loves Sugar…

Including Cancer…

The test for cancer involves a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan to find cancer and see if it is spreading.

A radioactive dye containing dextrose (sugar) is injected shortly before the scan.

The cancer cells eat the sugar, and the dye lights up like holiday lights when scanned.

Because cancer cells generally grow more quickly than normal cells they tend to consume more sugar.

Cancer feeds off of sugar!

Cancer Cells have more receptor sites for sugar than for anything else.

Sugar is the fuel Cancer Cells depend on to thrive and survive.

This has been known, at least since 1966 when Dr. Warburg discussed that the prime cause and prevention of cancer was related to sugar.*

The average child, by the time they are 8 years old will have consumed more sugar than a person did their entire life just 100 years ago.

I happened upon a mom and her child in the wellness section of a health food store the other day.  I could not help but notice that the child was actually in an excited state reaching for the supplement in the mom’s hand.

Wow this child loves their supplements!

When I looked at the ingredients the second item listed was sugar.

There is sugar everywhere these days.

I looked at another child’s supplement, a liquid vitamin C and the second ingredient listed was fructose.

A little over a year ago I began looking at all the condiments and foods I would use myself and was astonished to see how many of them had some sugar in one form or another in the ingredient list.

The thing is even if you are eating “healthy sugars” they still have a similar effect when consumed.**

Cancer thrives on and loves that sugar.***

It is more important than ever to be sure we are reading all ingredient labels so that we know what we are feeding to our bodies and to any potential life threatening invaders.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

* In June of 1966, Dr.Otto Warburg delivered a lecture to Nobel Laureates titled, “The Prime Cause and Prevention Of Cancer” where he discussed the role of sugar in the spread of cancer.  ” Cancer, above all other disease, has countless secondary causes, but even for cancer, there is only one prime cause.  The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar (anaerobic respiration).”

** The only real exception to this would be Stevia and to some degree Xylitol.  Even coconut sugar and agave must be monitored as they too cause spikes in blood sugar levels.  All other sugars such as honey, maple syrup, molasses, turbinado sugar etc. must be used cautiously and only organic and in the raw state.  Exercising regularly helps to reduce the negative impact on the body.

***We know that if we starve fungus with a candida diet that drastically limits sugars and carbohydrates that the fungus will actually send messages to the brain to crave these foods for their own survival.  I wonder if cancer cells do the same thing?

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