Archive | April, 2015

The Secret To A Long Healthy Life…

Hemp Seeds are fast becoming a stable to many of our diets.

I just tasted a tofu made from Hemp Seeds.

There is Hemp Seed Ice Cream as well as Hemp Milk.

There is a village in China where the average life expectancy is over a 100 years old.

Not only do the villagers live longer than most others around the world but they also suffer from fewer health problems.

There are many reasons for their longevity from drinking and breathing very clean water and air to having strong beliefs and a purpose in life.

The villagers eat very little sugar, less fat, animal proteins, and salt then the standard diet we have here in America.

But one other big difference is their diet is high in essential fatty acids (omega 3 & 6) from their diet rich in Hemp Seeds.

Hemp Seeds are one of the best sources of Omega 3 & 6.

Hemp Seeds are also packed with plant based protein, vitamin A, E, and D as well as many of the B vitamins.

Hemp Seeds have important antioxidants that help to eliminate free radicals in the body.

Hemp Seeds are also high in calcium, dietary fiber, and iron.

The fiber helps to keep the digestive system healthy.

We can certainly learn from these village folk that by adding a simple Superfood such as Hemp Seeds to our daily diet can make a huge impact to help us live longer and healthier.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

For every 50lbs. body weight try adding 1Tbs. of Hemp Seeds to your daily diet.  You can add it to your breakfast cereal or sprinkle on your vegies with dinner.  Try sprinkling some on an avocado or with yogurt.  The possibilities are endless!

The Art Of Medicine

Priestess Healers*

“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved. there is also a love of Humanity.”

Hippocrates wrote this in 460BC.

He is considered the “Father of Western Medicine”.

I so wish this was held close in the hearts of western practitioners.

Just imagine what medical care would be like today if this were so.
What hospitals and clinics would look and feel like!
What our experiences would be like going for help!
What the forms of treatments would be!
What the results of treatments would be!
Just imagine what the world we live in would be like if this were so.

Yes let us imagine and then make it so.

It is time to bring the Art back into the Art of Medicine.

And….it is time to make love and respect for the patient an integral part of the Healing Arts.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

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