Archive | March, 2015

Walnuts: The Perfect Brain Food…

Food For The Brain…

It is not just because Walnuts look like our brains that they are such a Superfood for the brain.

Walnuts are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids that are an essential fatty acid to maintaining optimum brain functioning.

Low Omega-3 intake is being associated with depression and cognitive degeneration.

Walnuts help to keep our spirits up while supporting the brain’s gray matter.

Walnuts are packed with manganese, copper, iron, calcium, phosphorus as well as having the highest levels of antioxidants, folic acid, and vitamin E of any nut.

Walnuts also contain the highest content of any nut of the amino acid arginine* which is essential for cell division and protein synthesis.

In recent studies Walnuts have been shown to improve memory, concentration, and the speed at which our brains can process information.

Another study showed that adding Walnuts to a daily diet can extend our life span by as much as 10 years.

Walnuts may help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer as well as breast cancer.

Walnuts are a heart friendly food reducing cholesterol and overall enhancing heart health.

Walnut polyphenols may help to prevent chemically induced liver damage.

Walnuts are known to raise the melatonin levels by a factor of three making them a great sleep aid.

As has been said by many in different ways, a healthy diet is medicine for our bodies and souls.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

*if you suffer from Herpes you may need to avoid or reduce the intake of Walnuts as arginine can trigger herpes outbreaks.

Everybody Loves Sugar…

Including Cancer…

The test for cancer involves a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan to find cancer and see if it is spreading.

A radioactive dye containing dextrose (sugar) is injected shortly before the scan.

The cancer cells eat the sugar, and the dye lights up like holiday lights when scanned.

Because cancer cells generally grow more quickly than normal cells they tend to consume more sugar.

Cancer feeds off of sugar!

Cancer Cells have more receptor sites for sugar than for anything else.

Sugar is the fuel Cancer Cells depend on to thrive and survive.

This has been known, at least since 1966 when Dr. Warburg discussed that the prime cause and prevention of cancer was related to sugar.*

The average child, by the time they are 8 years old will have consumed more sugar than a person did their entire life just 100 years ago.

I happened upon a mom and her child in the wellness section of a health food store the other day.  I could not help but notice that the child was actually in an excited state reaching for the supplement in the mom’s hand.

Wow this child loves their supplements!

When I looked at the ingredients the second item listed was sugar.

There is sugar everywhere these days.

I looked at another child’s supplement, a liquid vitamin C and the second ingredient listed was fructose.

A little over a year ago I began looking at all the condiments and foods I would use myself and was astonished to see how many of them had some sugar in one form or another in the ingredient list.

The thing is even if you are eating “healthy sugars” they still have a similar effect when consumed.**

Cancer thrives on and loves that sugar.***

It is more important than ever to be sure we are reading all ingredient labels so that we know what we are feeding to our bodies and to any potential life threatening invaders.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

* In June of 1966, Dr.Otto Warburg delivered a lecture to Nobel Laureates titled, “The Prime Cause and Prevention Of Cancer” where he discussed the role of sugar in the spread of cancer.  ” Cancer, above all other disease, has countless secondary causes, but even for cancer, there is only one prime cause.  The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar (anaerobic respiration).”

** The only real exception to this would be Stevia and to some degree Xylitol.  Even coconut sugar and agave must be monitored as they too cause spikes in blood sugar levels.  All other sugars such as honey, maple syrup, molasses, turbinado sugar etc. must be used cautiously and only organic and in the raw state.  Exercising regularly helps to reduce the negative impact on the body.

***We know that if we starve fungus with a candida diet that drastically limits sugars and carbohydrates that the fungus will actually send messages to the brain to crave these foods for their own survival.  I wonder if cancer cells do the same thing?

The Oil That Kills Cancer…

See Cancer Cells Dying…

The last two newsletters I wanted to focus on some of the basic concerns around smoking marijuana while at the same time acknowledging that there are health benefits.

Today I want to go deeper into the research that is being done on using Cannabis Oil to kill cancer cells.

There is enough data out there now that it cannot be ignored that Cannabis Oil does in fact kill cancer cells in the human body.

In fact, in test tube experiments 100% of the cancer cells died.

Many things are going on as to why the Cannabis oil is able to kill the cancer cells.

Because Cannabis oil is a fat soluble substance it is easily absorbed into the cells of the body.

Some of Cannabinoids’ properties are:

  • Anitproliferative:  Prevents cancer cells from reproducing
  • Antiangiogenic:  Prevents formation of new blood vessels needed by tumors to grow
  • Antimetastic:  Prevents cancer cells from spreading to other organs
  • Apoptotic:  Induces cancer cells to die

Cannabis Oil is able to destroy cancer cells without causing any harm to healthy normal cells.

Of course this is key to have an agent that can kill the cancer and not harm other parts of the body in the process.

No traditional treatment can make this claim.

This treatment is especially exciting news for brain tumors.

The brain has extra protections from harmful agents passing from the blood to the brain cells.

Because of Cannabinoids’ fat-soluble nature it is able to pass through the protection barriers and reach the cancer cells in the brain and kill them.

New research is showing that the Cannabinoids actually communicate with the cancer cells through Cannabinoid receptors that are on the surface of the cells instructing them to commit suicide.

Another side of this research is that due to THC’s proapototic effect it is able to encourage aging cells to die before having the opportunity to mutate into cancer cells.

Most of the research is being down in Europe as the climate here in this country has been so closed even to the idea of medical marijuana.  This is of course changing.

There was even a headline in the local paper. “Republicans ‘experimenting’ with marijuana” with upcoming elections in the horizon.

It is impossible to ignore that marijuana is part of our society both by those who are using it recreational but more importantly by those who found it’s medical benefits to be life saving and at the very least life supportive.

My own hope is that with all the research and information that is coming out it will help people to have access to this plant for its’ life affirming qualities.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

Do You Get The Munchies…

The Science Behind Munchies…

I just happened to come across a recently published article on why people get the munchies when smoking pot.

We see this all the time in movies, even if you have not had your own personal experience with the munchies.

You smoke and you cannot stop raiding the refrigerator, pantry, even your roommates’ private stash of chips.

It does not matter if you have just finished a huge dinner, in minutes you are ready to do it again!

So what is happening internally when a person smokes that stimulates this bottomless pit of food desires?

The brain is made up of neurons.

Neurons are excitable cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals.

Some of these neurons stimulate our appetite and lead us to want to eat.  Others signal that we are full and time to stop consuming.

There is a cluster of neurons in the Hypothalamus called the POMC.  This is a region of the brain that is typically associated with sexual arousal, alertness, and feeding.

A chemical signal is sent out telling us we are full and to stop eating.

When cannabinoid compounds are introduced to the brain something unexpected happened.

It was assumed that the THC would stimulate the specialized neurons that tell us we are hungry.

Instead the cannabinoid compounds slowed down the POMC neurons that tell us we are full.

The same neurons that tell us we are full are now telling us we are hungry.

As one researcher put it: “It’s a bit like slamming down on the brakes and finding weed has turned it into another gas pedal.” *

There are other factors involved here also.  Many parts of the brain get “lit up” with smoking pot.

Our olfactory senses get heightened and dopamine levels are increased (especially with the pleasure of eating everything in sight).

As we move towards legalization of marijuana more studies are being done to understand exactly what goes on especially in our brains.

This study was especially exciting in the area of brain research, as it was not known before that a neuron could switch activity from giving off one signal to giving the totally opposite signal.

Marijuana is such a healing plant and does want our respect as such.  She is another gift from our Mother to be used to help us here in these physical bodies.

She helps people in pain whether from cancer or depression to be able to eat who otherwise might have no appetite at all.

Understanding the dopamine connection is also helping us understand the psychological addiction that can form with smoking pot. **

As with any herb whether it is Comfrey Root or Red Raspberry Leaf, or spices like Turmeric the more we understand the relationship between plant and our bodies the better we are able to incorporate these amazing plant gifts into our healing arenas.

Marijuana is just one of those amazing plant gifts for us to use as medicine.

Together Our Hands Are Joined To Heal One Another…

Alexander Gardener
The Lymph Guy

*Jessica Barson. Rockefeller University, NYC

** Dopamine is part of the brain’s pleasure and reward center.  It makes sense with all the difficulties around we would seek an easy and immediate relief from pain to pleasure that an herb such as Marijuana can provide.  Unfortunately, as with any “drug,” dependence can form and with it an addiction seeking out that pleasure state more and more often. At some point the body does become dependent on the pot to stimulate dopamine releases.

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